I used to rule the world

I haven't had much to say. At all. My brain is kind of empty. Here are some randoms.
  • I have two kneecaps on my left knee. A.K.A. west nile virus. I can't NOT scratch it.
  • I'm sick of being in between right now. In between school and a job. In between dreams and reality. Sleep and awake. In between people with bad communication skills. And more.
  • My brain really isn't empty. Just most of the stuff inside I don't really care to share with the world.
  • I'm considering sending something to Postsecret. Just for fun. MWA HAHA.
  • "Life's too serious to be taken seriously."
  • I think this book that I'm reading is making me think funny. I think I'll finish it pronto to get it out of my system. Good idea.
  • I find people very very interesting. There's so much I don't know about people. Even people I know pretty well. I'm just curious.
  • Two words: Tuna Cheesies.
That's all. I've resolved that I need to go on more walks, have more adventures, and try more new things. What do you think? I don't know. I think I just feel like I'm wasting my days. Probably because I'm STILL JOB SEARCHING.

Song of the day.
-- It's just GOOD MUSIC. I love everything about this song. The instruments and how they work together to create climax, energy, emotion. The lyrics. How everything fits together. I love it all. My favorite right now.

P.S. "There are few things more pathetic than those who have lost their curiosity and sense of adventure."
~Gordon B. Hinckley

I really like that.


Karlene said...

Uhm, so what book are you reading?

L said...

CUTE new bloggy blog... you are so adorable! I miss you!!

Anonymous said...

yea- what book are you reading and what are tuna cheesies?
i think you should send in a post card to postsecret :)

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