Day Two: A whole lot of... not much.

Today we went to Walmart. As you probably already knew. Nothing too terribly exciting today. For me at least.

Random bits from the day include:
  • Kentucky is hot. Really hot. Even Kentucky's cold is hot. I took a shower and the second I stepped outside I felt like I needed another.
  • I secretly wish I was still seven because then I could get away with wanting Hannah Montana bedding. But I'm not. So I can't. And I don't. Lie. Maybe I want them just a tiny little bit. But not enough to really WANT them want them. You know?
  • This book is super yummy. I feast on the way she says things. Voice and words. Awesome.
  • Elaine is tiny. Teeny-tiny. Really. I didn't recognize her at first. But don't you worry. She's still funny as ever.
  • Suan. You rock. That game thingy? AWESOME. I'm addicted. In fact, the only reason y'all (See that? Right there? It rubs off on me. I love it.) are getting a post is because I was "hogging it" and it was "my turn". Sheesh.
  • I kid you not, people, we really did have this conversation.
    • Mom: Turn right, here, do you see?
    • Meg: Yeah, I see the the signs.
    • Both simultaneously: I saw the sign. I opened up my ey-- (giggle, giggle, chortle, laugh, laugh.)

Tomorrow, we ship off! Woot! We planned our route today. I know, livin' on the edge, baby. We have two major tourist spots we are stopping for. They are a bit out of our way, but we think it's worth the few extra hours. It just means longer driving days and no other stopping for tours. But don't worry, I made Mom promise that if something fantastically WT presents itself (Like, say... a fifty foot ball of yarn? Or something.), we're stopping. Free spirits, we are.

Updates tomorrow!

Song of the day.
(Please listen to this. And enjoy life the way I do when I hear it and remember my childhood.)

P.S. I so almost typed "Much Love" just then.


Sandra said...

Your mom told me a couple years ago I needed to read that book. It is still on my to read list. I need to get around to it.

I always think of that song when one of my kids and I have a similar conversation, but I honestly haven't thought of it for a while now.

Be sure you take pictures at the Possum Park- ya'll hear?

Anonymous said...

ryane wants hannah montana everything... we went and saw her in concert... and i watch the show on occasion... it's ok if you want hannah montana, what is the deal with the big ball of yarn? i sounds like something i should know about but don't...
what's the details on the guy at walmart that made you laugh?

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