
Today was a beautiful day. It wasn't cold and there was a light sprinkle of rain. I decided to go for a little jog. My little jog turned into a 5 mile run. It had been a while since I'd gone running on my own so I set out for nowhere in particular.

It was an incredible run. About 2 miles in, the sprinkle turned a little heavier. My face met the drops with a grin and small chuckle. Puddles met my feet with a splash. I loved the feeling of the drops sliding down my cheeks and off my chin, splashing all the while. The cool air filled my lungs with fresh joy. Peace. I've never breathed such crisp air before. It was stimulating. Refreshing. Even now, these words come up wanting.

As I ran I began to see through new eyes. I've driven by this tree countless times but never saw it's beauty. I slowed my pace to take a longer look. Other beauties stuck out to me and I wondered how I didn't know they were there. So close to me. I wonder how many people drive by without noticing. With out seeing the beauty. Racing off to busy lives and never really seeing the wonderful things around them.

I got home and Mom ordered me to take a hot shower and eat some soup. The water couldn't get hot enough. The cool rain had mixed up my body's ability to discern temperature. My newly sharpened senses couldn't tell if the water was burning hot or arctic ice. Although the dial was turned as far as it could go left, it felt glacial. I loved it. I laughed as my body soaked up all the hot water until my senses returned. At this point, the water was luke warm. Curious.

Song of the day: "Hotel California" by Eagles


Karlene said...

You forgot to mention the teeny tiny hailstones that pelted your body during the last 5 minutes of your run.

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