On my mind?

Read on and you shall learn...
  1. I think I worry too much. About my friends and family. I worry if they're doing okay. If they need anything. If there is anything I can do for them. I focus on others. I wonder if I worry about myself enough. Too much? Then my mind wanders back to every little thing going on in my (in comparison to others) oh, so uneventful and easy life. Well... Do I give myself enough time to just think? About me? "What about me? What's the big deal?" Oh, brain. Please chill out. You'll be okay. Everything will just work itself out.
  2. Teddy bears. They are fuzzy and squishy. Good to cuddle with. They make me smile a snuggly smile.
  3. Writing continually proves to be a form of comfort and therapy. That's just they way it is. It's in my blood.
  4. Bellybuttons. They are so weird. Unique. I wonder if doctors are aware of the social havoc they can wreak on people whose bellybuttons they botch?
  5. I constantly fill silence. Whether the filler is audible or in my head. I always have some thought in my mind. Or a song. At any rate, something is always there to fill the empty space. It's probably why I keep posting about my random thoughts. Once again, brain. Calm down.
  6. A blunder. Why hello, blunder. You still occupy my thoughts? I thought you had gone away. Well, we might as well catch up. How are you doing? Oh, you're lonely? I'm sorry. We still can't be friends. Go away, blunder. You were mean to me.
  7. Is any of this making sense? I sure hope not. I enjoy being weird and hard to understand. When someone calls me weird, dork, nerd, crazy, etc... I take it as a complement. Everyone is weird. Wouldn't it be so boring to be normal? I don't like normal.
  8. Was that an earthquake or did I just rock your world?
Song of the day: "Fix You" by Coldplay


Karlene said...

I just love your randomness. :)

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