Let it be

For lacrosse today, we practiced outside. On a field. On grass. Green grass. Almost. Still very exciting. I sang.

Today was/is a Beatles day. Wish I had more of their songs. Of course by more, I mean all. I wore my converse today. Walking to class, I felt slightly punk-ish. With my converse, my hands in my front pockets, and The Beatles singing, "Whisper words of wisdom, 'Let it be.'" into my ears. In those moments, my sun shone brighter. What joy.

I love just soaking in the world. Looking as I walk. Seeing my surroundings. Breathing wet air. Wondering if Grandma Lyn played a part in creating that puddle for me to splash in or that green grass for me to serenade. I choose to believe she did. She would. It's something she would do. I miss her more at times than others. Right now, I'm just feeling her presence and knowing she's watching. There's something special about it.

Too often I feel like my words are not enough to describe how I think... feel.... So I keep writing, hoping more words will make it better. They never seem to. "Let it be."

Song of the day: "Let It Be" by The Beatles


~Whitney~ said...

She would. :)

Karlene said...

Words can be that way. Yours may not be perfect from your perspective, but they're pretty awesome from mine.

Anonymous said...

Wow, my Megan likes Beatles songs!!! Good new for me...well, it helps me not to feel so old.

One of my favorite Beatles song is John Lennon's "Imagine". Every time I hear it I wonder why. Why can't the world be like that song?


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