I forgot about you again

Since my last post I...
  • went to a specialist who took blood from my body and later told me I have mono.
  • went to another specialist who told me I also have TMJ. I now have a splint/retainer/thing that I wear when I sleep and a few hours during the day. It's supposed to fix everything. People make fun of me.
  • played lots of beans. Lost every game but I'm still obsessed with it!
  • went on a date.
  • set my best friend up with her potential future boyfriend. Just call me Emma.
  • got into a war with these. And won. Which, in fact, was the same night as the two previous bullets.
  • went to Taco Tuesday with the guys I've been hanging around lately to fill the void of my friends on missions. But don't worry, I'm not using them. They do more than fill the void, we have lots o fun. If anything, they use me so they can say they actually got a girl to come this week. Yep, they really said that.
  • simply ha-ad a wonderful Christmas time!
That's pretty much it. I met a Chinese guy today. Long story short, he was my friends mission companion and he will be attending UVU. Pretty much awesome. I took a few moments to be sad about my China plans falling through. If anything, my desire to go to China has increased. It was really cool to talk to him. I wish I could speak Chinese. It's a beautiful language.

Right now I'm waiting for a night of fun to begin with some friends. I predict laughing.


Sandra said...

I had one of those stupid splint things for TMJ. I also had to have "therapy" where I was hooked up to some electrodes and spent 1/2 hour with small electrical shocks being sent to my jaw to supposedly re-allign it. I finally just quit because I couldn't stand it anymore.

Erika said...

I had mono and it was HORRIBLE. How are you still up and about? I hope you're feeling better soon. Are you still going to China later or is it off completely?

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