A Dream

I am a young man. Human life is a musical. I sing on a boat. A big ship. The song ends on the deck with a big splash. Another tsunami wave comes, threatening the boats stability. It's existence. I am not afraid. The ocean gives me peace. The boat is covered in water. The wave brought a girl with it. She lies on the deck as if she was washed up on shore. I begin to approach her and without a word she stands and takes my hand. Together we run, jump into the water and begin swimming to a new song. Her song. I can breathe under the water. Or can I just hold my breathe longer than I could before?

A blue whale shakes my panicked hand and greets me in English. Or do I just understand his language? I suppose the whale was the cause of the wave on the ship. The three of us swim together and I feel as if I can’t keep up. I hold onto the whale to carry me. Can a whale chuckle? We swim on. The familiar girl swims with elegance and expertise. It is beautiful. She is beautiful. Where have I seen her before? How do I know her?

Now I am the girl. I am me. I look at him and smile. I’ve finally found him. Now I will never let him go. We swim in silent understanding. I can feel his eyes adoring me as I twist and move and jump. Like a mermaid. But that is not what I am. He will soon understand. He will soon remember his life before. His life with me when we were in love. His life as one of us. A mammal of the sea.

I am fascinated. Why would I dream of being a whale? Is this weird to any one else?


Karlene said...

Cool. This could make a good book--middle grade fantasy.

Anonymous said...

This was beautiful. Like poetry...

Larsens said...

Did you just watch Titanic or read the story about Jonah and the whale?
Why am I always looking for my lost purse in my dreams or crash in an airplane?? Your dream is much cooler.

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