Come now, and listen to me whine and moan.

I looked out the window and what did I see?...

Snow? In March?! It's supposed to be Spring.



This is some kind of sick joke, isn't it? Well, it's not funny. I find no humor in this. None, whatsoever. And sure, some of you smile, sweetly and say, "Oh, it can't be that bad." Can and is. Snow is not welcome. And you know what I have to say to you people who happily accept this visit from the snow demon? :P Mmmmm!

I'm going to crawl into a hole and read a book now, because it's all I can do to keep from sobbing.

(See how I was complaining and being really annoying just then? And how I stomped my feet and threw a fit? See that? You secretly enjoyed it. Because you know I'm right. Admit it.)


ElleDee said...

haha thats so funny because i just blogged about the same thing!

Karlene said...

I know! Three dang inches!! And I had to scrape it off my car all by myself so I could go to church this morning.

But it's starting to melt off now. I'm hoping it was just a burp and that the snow demon has now left the country.

McKenna Gordon said...


Anonymous said...

you are right :)
i had to put away the flip flops for a day and put on SOCKS and shoes.....i want spring back and i want it NOW ! ! ! (ha!ha!) like i have any control over the weather.

Sandra said...

7 long stinkin' months of this stupid weather. I am so ready for warm weather, sun and getting my hands in the dirt.

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